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3 min read 3 mins watch (if you fancy a sing-a-long)

Back in the day

“Doing the garden, digging the weeds
Who could ask for more?”

So sang the Beatles back in 1967 in “When I’m Sixty-Four”. Gardening. Mending fuses. Going for rides. This was how the young songwriter Paul McCartney envisaged the life of a 64-year-old. He could have paraphrased as ‘over the hill’.

It’s still one of many great songs by one of the most successful bands of all time. Timeless and touching. And yet understandably inaccurate. For a start, our life expectancy has lengthened by 15% since then. Our retirement age is older. Most remarkably of all, the average age across the top 500 boardrooms in the States has increased to 63.5. Illuminating the generation gap at work.

Are boardroom members getting younger?

We still leave school at the same age, graduate at the same age, and join the world of work in our late teens and early twenties. Which means the majority of workers outside the boardroom are getting younger, comprising Millennials (born after 1980), Generation Z (the new kids on the block) and soon Alphas. In Asia, 70% of the workforce are now Millennial.

Not every business has elderly Board members. And not every employee is fresh-faced and single. But there’s definitely a gulf. Not just in age, but also in expectations.  This generation gap at work is real and has to be addressed.

This isn’t a linear generation. It values different things. Younger generations such as Millennials and Generation Z (or iGen) are less focused on the bank balance and more on intangibles. They want their business to be ethical. To create a positive social and environmental impact. To be agile. To be interesting.

In demand, manager training that works

Younger generations don’t want to be managed in traditional ways, preferring coaching and mentoring to instruction and appraisal. They demand management training when they need it, which is in the real-world and is practical not theoretical. They aren’t looking for a job for life. When they are 64, they will typically have had a different employer every two years throughout their career. There is no hunkering down awaiting a retirement gold watch and a fuse box that requires attention!

As McCartney put it so beautifully, the generational gap is nothing new. It’s fuelled by change in the world around us. And what is changing now, more than ever before, is the pace of life, our expectations of it, and our diminishing levels of trust in authority. We have never been so unsure about what the future holds.

My insights into this generational chasm at work come through the world of training and upskilling. I have observed countless Boards failing to provide the best approach or value for their people.

The classroom remains the preferred place for in-house training (22% more than any other medium in recent years) despite clear evidence that younger generations respond better to coaching and mentoring, which has the most effective results. No wonder only 15% of Millennials describe their company’s learning culture as better than adequate. Nor that only 18% believe their companies are good at developing leaders.

So, we are watching a perfect storm develop. Linear supply unaligned with flexible demand. Formal leaders unaligned with relaxed staff. Profit-driven boardrooms unaligned with value-driven employees. This generation gap at work presents both challenges and, more importantly, opportunities.

There’s a great opportunity but we must first acknowledge the existence of the challenge. And this one is particularly frustrating as it’s happening under the watch of the baby-boomers themselves. Who were once revolting against the linear cultural thinking of their own parents.

These days, they aren’t knitting sweaters by the fireside, but fully engaged in running businesses. We still need them, but in a softer, subtler, more positive way.

“Send me a postcard, drop me a line

Stating point of view.“

If that view comes from a Millennial and the generations that follow, it’s likely to be seeking a career that encompasses many employers, each investing in them, and where work is about much more than fixed hours, a wage and an annual appraisal.

Want to check out the song and all the lyrics?

Here’s a more recent take if you’re a fan of Carpool Karaoke with James Cordon:

Ready to improve your new manager online training?

I know how busy you are, and how much information you are asked to absorb. It’s so easy to push it to one side. But I really hope this small investment of your time in reading this has got you thinking. It addresses a few issues holding back many organisations, that we can work on and make people’s lives better, and that’s a very good thing indeed.

If you are looking for effective managing people online courses and assessments that will help your managers attract, motivate and retain all generations by bridging the gap, then get in touch today, and I’ll share with you how we’ve upskilled managers just like yours and made a real difference.

Here’s another quick thought-provoking read for you. Coffee breaks that count.

Best, Pete

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