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Announcing another new course added to our retail library. A comprehensive e-learning course to make sure your team are forecourt competent. Highly interactive, scenario based videos and engaging graphics. It’s the closest your people will get to training on the forecourt. Yet it gives them the ability to learn safely, try and test their decisions and change their behaviour, before they are responsible for the site, the public and the safe delivery and storage of fuel.

Working on all devices, if you need it to, the course can be tailored to your specific procedures and processes, if you need it to. Quick, easy to access, it uses plain English with a number of challenging audited assessments. With the great reporting tools on our learning platform you make informed decisions and keep your risk low. Hear from John Gavey from The Channel Islands Co-operative Society.

  • “For me, this is a course that says why wouldn’t you, rather than why would you. It’s about keeping standards raised up high – because if they slip, the risk is too great. In an environment where you really can’t afford for your people to become complacent or take short cuts, taking Upskill People’s Forecourt Competent Person course is essential due diligence and legal compliance.”

    John Gavey , L&D and Technical Safety Manager

Interested in finding out more? Check out our course or drop us a line